
Fury of the Stars Part 12

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Rudy's claws unsheathed and dug into the ground. If they've already scented Arnie, I've got to stop them from harming him. He's just an innocent cub, the tiger thought, getting ready to lunge out.

"What are you two slackers doing?!" a voice yelled, making Rudy freeze. Don't tell me...

"S...Sorry, Khan. We just smelled a cub and thought-"

"Get back to the hideout before I have your heads! If we get caught now, it'll ruin the whole plan."

"Yes sir!" The wolves yelped and ran off. Khan was about to follow them when he paused and looked at the entrance for a second. Rudy kept still and hidden, hoping the large tiger hadn't seen him. After painfully slow seconds, Khan turned and walked off.

Rudy waited until he was sure Khan was far enough away to let out a sigh of relief. That was WAY too close for comfort. But...why would Dad be out here? Is he trying to look for Mariah? Or just causing trouble for the territories here. Either way, my bad feeling has increased tenfold...


"What are we going to do now, Ari? I don't feel comfortable leaving Arnie alone if there's threats like these out in the kingdoms," Blaze said as she and Ari were walking away. The meeting ended and all the shamans were dismissed.

"...I have an idea. I can move into that tree with Arnie," Ari replied. "While yes I'm not good at fighting- but then again what shaman IS besides Rudy as far as I know-, I can still use some tricks with the herbs I have in my stock. Just coat my claws in muscle relaxant and whoever gets hit with my claws will be out quickly."

"You sure? What about your den in the Tiger Kingdom?" They paused in their walking.

"I don't get a lot of animals coming in anyway, so I don't think they'd really care that much if I suddenly moved out. Besides, it'd be easier to make sure he stays out of trouble if I'm there."


"I'll be careful, don't worry. It's not like I don't know what it's like being in mortal danger or anything." He gave a small laughing smile to her.

"I know, but..." His face changed to a questioning look. I don't know if I can stand to seein you get hurt or even killed, Blaze finished in her head.

"It'd be better than leaving him alone or keeping him in either of our kingdoms. I can keep him safe until more move in."

"'re right." She pushed her head under his chin, making him turn a bit red. "I just...don't want anything bad happening to you."

"Same here. But we'll have to promise to be careful for each other, right?" He  relaxed, returning the nuzzle.


The two stayed like that for a while before pulling away, both chuckling nervously. "Um...I better go let Rudy go. He was watching Arnie while I went to the meeting."

"And I've got to get back before Mariah gets worried. I'll, uh, see you later, Ari."

"Yeah, later."

They parted ways. Though, the talk between the two and also what had happened just after. While they usually had been told that they'd find someone of their own kind to be with, it was hard to keep that mentality especially with how much time the two have spent together and seeing how much in common the two had. It didn't help that the opposite genders of their kind were only interested in their families' positions.

It's strange. I mean, as a shaman, I shouldn't really let the boundaries bother me. Gray said that the boundaries of the kingdoms and clans don't matter for shamans. feels more than that with Ari. I thought it was just a simple friendship but...oh, spirits above, I think I've fallen for him!

Meanwhile, Ari was going over what happened between the two of them on his way to the tree. Oh man, I wasn't expecting any of that. I...I thought she had seen me as a friend. We're always hanging out and acting like it anyway. Would...Could she like me as more than a friend? We'd be going against what our kingdoms are, Rudy's right. It shouldn't matter whether you come from the same kingdoms or not. But...I fear what might happen in the future...what we could put certain others through, he thought.

As he neared the tree, he caught a strange scent. Huh? What the? It smells like...wolf? But what would wolves be doing all the way out here unless...ARNIE!!! He raced forward.

"Rudy! Arnie! Are you-" he called before he got cut off.

"We're fine, Ari. Just...a close call is all," Rudy replied. "And you might want to be a bit more quiet. Arnie's asleep."

"But I smelled wolf around the tree. What happened?"

The other tiger sighed. "Well, turns out my dad IS around. Probably keeping low either in the Lion Kingdom or the Tiger Kingdom...or somewhere in the border."

"So then...the strange tiger...shoot, this is bad."

"I'm guessing the other shamans have a bit of a clue as to what's going on?"

"Sort of. A cheetah shaman had been attacked recently by an unknown tiger and many have scented strange wolves near the Tiger Kingdom. Many are thinking they came across the Fog River."

"Fog River..? Wait, do you mean the giant river that has hidden land beyond the fog?"


"I kind of remember seeing nothing but fog until I ended up in a different jungle...before getting chased out, of course."

"You and Mariah must have come from the other side of the Fog River, then. No one knows what's beyond it. Some say it's like stepping into a different world."

"Guess you could say that. Mariah had come here first when a flood washed her away along with her parents. I don't know where or what happened to her parents, though. Or even if they're still alive."

"Hmm...think your dad found out you were here?"

"I don't know. He acted like he might have scented me, but...then he just walked off. I was almost glad he had chased the wolves off since they had smelled Arnie."

"This is bad...well, I guess it's a good thing I'll be moving into here."

"Wait, what?"

"Well, after the meeting, Blaze and I talked about it and I've decided to move into the tree here. I know about some herbs that could knock even my father out cold or paralyze them long enough to get somewhere safe. Then again, I could also have a spirit's help."

"I still don't get how they can help, exactly. Even when my mentor tried telling me over and over."

"It's a bit tricky, but spirits have a lot more power than you think. Anyway, I better let you get home for some rest. I'll stay here for the night and then go to get my stuff in the morning."

"Alright then. Be careful."

"I will be."

Rudy headed out while Ari went to set himself up a bed. With all that's been going on lately, how long will it be until something serious breaks out?


Time passed in the kingdoms. Mala's cubs now grew out of their spots and were getting harder to keep track of. Ari kept his promise of moving in to the tree with Arnie. The cub was happy to have his foster father living with him, playing with him whenever Ari was free. Arnie was starting to show signs of growing a mane which was rare in a lot of lion hybrids. Blaze visited whenever she could, usually bringing food or extra herbs for Ari.

Buck had managed to convince Mala to come out more from the den since the cubs didn't need her every hour. She was a bit nervous at first, fearing the Fallen Royals or one of their allies would notice her or even go into the den and find the cubs, but he promised to not go near anywhere the Fallen Royals could be or their allies. She was glad to get out more. It reminded her of the times Buck did that before the escape.

Mariah and Rudy often would hang out with each other which Blaze and Ari took notice of and teased the two for it. Of course, the two would then make the teasing backfire onto the lioness and tiger. Blaze knew that the two were just being stubborn about it, but it was clear they were together.

As for Blaze and Ari, things were a bit tense between the two for a while. Blaze, at first, thought she had ruined the friendship she had with Ari but was relieved to hear from him that it hadn't. Instead, they started going with their feelings. Though they didn't take anything too far. To anyone outside their group of friends, it still seem like they were only friends.

One day, when Blaze was coming back from a short hunt, she heard Mariah yell from in the dens. "Mariah?!" she called, rushing to her friend's den. "What's-"

"I think I'm pregnant!" Mariah replied.

Blaze blinked, taking the news in slowly. "Wait, are you sure?"

"Yes, I am! I've been feeling sick for a while and when I woke this morning I found a bulge on my stomach!"

The lioness sighed, putting a paw on her face. "Okay okay, calm down. Let's try to get some facts straight first. Did you and Rudy happen 'it'?"


"Alright, don't need to explain everything, but that could explain it. Though, I'm actually more shocked you can get pregnant."

"You think I'm not? I used to hear a lot of hybrids can't, so I thought maybe it wouldn't happen, but...yeah."

"Well, at any rate, the timing is good since it's about the right time of the year for cubs."

"What does THAT mean?"

"I mean there aren't any droughts coming up, so prey will be plentiful and there's no shortage of herbs at the moment either. A lot of animals have their kids around this time."

"Hm, good point. But if that's true, then why don't you have cubs with Ari then? You two patched up, right?"

Again with the suggestive stuff? Blaze thought as she rolled her eyes. "I told you, Mariah. We're not THAT far in our relationship."

"So you DO have a relationship with him then, huh?"

"I thought it'd have been obvious to you by now. Especially with how often I'm away from the den these days."

"Yeah yeah, I just thought you were checking on Arnie. By the way, any more news know, Khan being here and all?"

"No, haven't heard anything from any of the other shamans lately. Either he's staying low for a while...or maybe he left."

"Knowing him, probably the first one until he can cause more trouble later. At any rate, let's get back to you and Ari."

Blaze sighed. "Look, it's not like I don't want to have cubs, but...they'd either be forced to hide all the time, which may make them think we're ashamed to have had them, or they'd be ridiculed and attacked. This place isn't exactly kind to hybrids."

"Like my home was? Anyway, Blaze, it's not like you live in a pride here or anything. And who's to say anyone's going to find out? We could be our own group, considering how well Mala acts around me even with knowing I'm a mixed breed."

"That's true...I'll have to think about it, though. I don't think we need both you and me going into labor at the same time."

"What, think I can't handle myself? I've seen how it's done, Blaze. Why do you think I avoid seeing it?"

Blaze chuckled. "Well, now you'll be experiencing it yourself."


"Mom, nooo! Not my mane!" Bruce whined, trying to wiggle out of Sash's grip. She was giving him a bath after he came back from playing in the jungle and he was pretty dirty.

"Oh, I still see it. Now, hold still so I can get you cleaned up," Sash playfully scolded. She continued grooming him until his dark fur was neat and smoothed out. Even the tuft of silver on his head was cleaned.

"Alright alright, I'm clean!" Sash let Bruce go, chuckling as he went to the den in the back as he muttered.

Her ears twitched to the sound of someone coming up. She looked to find her mother stepping in. "Mom, is something wrong? You look troubled."

"Oh, I had just found out something that's really troubling me," Sierra replied. "I found out an old friend had returned to the kingdom after years of being missing. Only...her father is keeping her locked away."

"What? Why?"

"It could be due to the fact that Bella has no spots. No one knows how that's possible. It just happened."

Wait? No spots...that reminds me of the panther I had run into all that time ago. She had no, she had the same marking on her head Mariah has along with the same shade of blue as one of Mariah's eyes... Sash thought as her mother continued.

"I really hate how her father is hiding her like she's some dirty secret he doesn't want to be found. It's against the rules to force your child to be kept away when they are of a certain age."

"Do the kings know at all?"

Sierra sighed. "No, unfortunately not. Bella's father is a part of the council and let's on little ot nothing about this event."

"Well, maybe I can try talking with him. After all, it can't be that hard to convince him to let Bella out and about." Especially if she's who I think she is...

"Good luck, Sash. But be careful. There are rumors that he has gotten...sick in the head, so to speak."

I'll have to hope that there's still some of his mind left to let me speak sense to him...if not, then I may have to try something more dangerous than speaking to an ill animal...


FINALLY some AriXBlaze going on! :D So yes, they are now officially together as a couple. ^^ And seems like a certain cubby is on her way too. X3
But, uh-oh...trouble in the Jaguar-Leopard Kingdom. O_o And it seems like Sash isn't going to be sitting out of this.

Fury of the Stars Part 11
Fury of the Stars Part 13

Rudy, Khan, Khan's wolves, Buck, Mariah + soon-to-be cub, Bella, Bella's father- :iconkellywolfdog123:
Everything else- me
© 2014 - 2024 GuardianDragon3847
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Kellywonderland123's avatar
Sounds good, can't wait to read more.